CDead Rules

CDead is a Private Online Grateful Dead discussion and trading group that was started on June 1, 2000. To join, members must agree to all the rules outlined below. If interested in joining send request to:

Rules / Important Info To Know:

We don’t have a lot of rules, but what we do have is taken seriously and by becoming a member of CDead each person is promising to abide by them.

1) CDead is a Music discussion list where most discussion is permitted, except for POLITICS. Political discussion will no longer be allowed as of 8/12/2017. CDead is made up of people who are brought together by a common love of Grateful Dead music. This group comes together for enjoyment and any member who disrupts that enjoyment will have their account removed from the server without notice.

2) All members shall respect one another and allow each their opinion without name calling, finger pointing, or nastiness.

3) There is to be No Backseat Moderating, i.e. telling others they should not discuss certain subjects. If one does not enjoy a particular subject don’t read it or delete it.

4) Socializing on-list is encouraged as part of being a member.

5) New members will receive access to TheWheel (CDead’s FTP Music Archive) as long a they participate in group discussion.  Joining just to gain access to the TheWheel is not acceptable.

6) CDead is run via a e-mail listserv. Members accept and acknowledge the receipt of CDead posts (e-mail) and promise not to intentionally tag CDead e-mail as SPAM.

7) Music or Video shares that come with a request not to circulate outside of CDead must be respected.

Some acceptable Email for use with CDead:

Gmail, Hotmail,, (POP, IMAP, or Webmail)

Email addresses that may not be used with CDead:

Due to “Rate Limiting” and “Rejections” which causes backups on the server some e-mail providers may not be used if they interfere with the functioning of CDead’s e-mail host.

***Notice of Ownership***

The server and hardware that are used to run the CDead listserv are owned by Jay Ashley (“Owner”). The “Owner” of the server that runs the CDead Listserv retains the exclusive right to remove any members e-mail address from the server at any time.